Building Pride, Power & Prosperity by Bringing the Black Hair Care Industry Back to the Black Community!
The Challenge is an economic empowerment campaign to restore the Black hair care industry’s indisputable capacity to create much needed entrepreneurship, jobs, wealth, and economic unity in the Black community. The Challenge is also an education and awareness movement to expose and counter the unjust and disproportionate lack of Black ownership in the Black hair care industry.
The Challenge is an economic empowerment campaign to restore the Black hair care industry’s indisputable capacity to create much needed entrepreneurship, jobs, wealth, and economic unity in the Black community. The Challenge is also an education and awareness movement to expose and counter the unjust and disproportionate lack of Black ownership in the Black hair care industry.
1) Say your name and accept the Challenge on video. "My name is Jane Doe and I accept the Black Owned Hair Care Challenge." Post the pledge. Share and show off the solidarity!
2) Buy from Black owned hair firms and/or beauty supply stores.
3) Take pictures and/or video of the purchase(s), like receipts, or posing w/ products or entrepreneurs.
4) Always tag @OurBlackYear
5) Always include #OurBlackYear #BlackOwnedHairCareChallenge.
6) Issue the challenge to others.
The Challenge is an economic empowerment campaign to restore the Black hair care industry’s indisputable capacity to create much needed entrepreneurship, jobs, wealth, and economic unity in the Black community. The Challenge is also an education and awareness movement to expose and counter the unjust and disproportionate lack of Black ownership in the Black hair care industry.
Watch BOHCC Creator, Maggie Anderson, renowned speaker, activist, author, 'Our Black Year' explain why 10 years ago, amidst threats, with 2 babies, a dying mother, and no Black owned grocery store, she took her famous stand to Buy Black ONLY for a whole year! She asks, "After George Floyd's murder, how dare you buy Black hair care products from brands or beauty supply stores that are not Black-owned?"